Dr. John Cross is the incoming president of the Mississippi State Medical Association. He was born and raised in Brandon, Mississippi. As a biological engineering major at Mississippi State University, Dr. Cross realized a penchant for understanding processes, how things work, and how all the pieces fit together. As a college student looking through the lens of process improvement, he could see how such an approach is central to practicing medicine. He was drawn to the problem-solving aspects of being a physician. He went to medical school and residency in internal medicine at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC).

Dr. Cross reflects on his years at UMMC positively, with close-knit friends and excellent mentors. He recalls the group of students that stayed together from medical school through Internal Medicine training at UMMC. These were some of his closest and best friends. They studied together, worked together, and vacationed together for seven years. Most of them moved away to other places after residency and now have busy practices and families. At UMMC, his favorite mentor was Dr. John Hall. As a student, Dr. Cross worked in the physiology department led by Dr. Hall, and he taught insightful lessons on analyzing information and critical thinking. Dr. Hall demonstrated a passion for medical research and showed an exceptional work ethic and commitment.

Within MSMA, Dr. Cross has had many mentors. Dr. Jennifer Bryan encouraged him to actively participate in many of the Central Medical Society Meetings. Dr. Tim Beacham helped him get involved in the Young Physicians Section. Dr. Claude Brunson, Dr. Tom Joiner, and Dr. Dan Edney helped him stay involved in MSMA.

Today, Dr. Cross lives and works in Jackson, Mississippi as Vice President and Medical Director of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company. He is married to Catherine, and they have three children – Thomas, Caroline, and Andrew. When not at work and serving through MSMA, he and his wife are actively involved in a myriad of extracurricular activities for their active children. As incoming president of MSMA, Dr. John Cross has a compelling vision for the future of this organization. He has sound advice for new members on how to get involved:

Attend and speak up at the local component society meetings. Bring your partners and physician friends to the component society meeting. Everyone’s perspective is valuable, no matter if you have been practicing for one year or thirty years. Let us know how policies, rules, and regulations affect your daily interaction with patients. If similar issues are going on in your local society, serve as a delegate for your society at Annual session. Allow the MSMA staff to help draft a resolution to deliver to the House of Delegates. After discussion in the House of Delegates, you may find your insight and resolution will help other Mississippi Physicians. Then the full force of the Association can act on your initiative with resources to help communicate your message to the officials that develop the policy. There have been numerous stories of local resolutions that make a huge impact on a national and state level. Contact your local component society. If you are not sure how to find or contact them, contact your Board of Trustees representative. Tell them what you are passionate about, and we can help you get in the right place to have your voice heard. We need you on the bus, and we need to help you find the right seat on that bus to make the biggest impact.

Dr. John Cross